Wednesday, May 5, 2010

6 Months Later...

The inevitable is inevitable. 

I've been thinking of ways to skip this week, maybe find a cave to hide in until next Monday.  Unfortunately, as it has always done, the world keeps spinning and like it or not we're all on for the ride, including me.  This week marks Adelle's 6-month Angelversary (I take a big pause and a deep breath before replacing the word birthday with Angelversary again) and if the timing wasn't cruel enough... Mother's Day.

I've been trying to write this post for the last 2 hours...  I guess there's not much to say that hasn't been said before...  I miss Adelle more each day, as impossible at it seems. 
I can not think of a better to way to commemorate Adelle than to light a candle for her tomorrow.  Just like the small flame that creates a lot of light, Adelle's short life touched many of ours.  If you decide to light a candle, please send me a picture...

"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears." (John Vance Cheney). 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Fun" Tidbits

The thing about loosing your baby is:

1) every day you wonder what you'd be doing if she was here and what she would look like
2) your body doesn't care whether or not your baby is here, it wakes up like clock work at night (every 2     hours at first and subsequently less but then it's the nightmares and reality that do it) 
3) you look for signs that your baby is with you everywhere and want to believe in them
4) you get bitter when people minimize your loss or don't want to understand the magnitude of the event
5) your relationship with people changes
6) you hate that you can't go to baby showers for people who have always been there for you
7) everything seems trivial and you hate that you don't care as much as you used to
9) nothing makes sense and the world seems really unfair
    And finally:
         10) you loose a big part of yourself too

    I can probably fill that list with 1000 more things, but these are just some of the things I've been dealing with lately.

    I should mention that, when you loose your baby you find out who your real friends are and learn to be grateful for these people.  My little Angel Adelle has brought me to some great people and tomorrow I am excited that I will meet (in person) an Angel Mommy of 12 years who's been a great support for me lately on my hardest days.
    Monday, April 12, 2010

    Oh crap!

    According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, the expert on death and grieving, one of the steps to grief is a little something called "anger".  Let me tell you about this fun tid-bit, because it seems you can apply the Kubler-Ross stages to any loss including loss of a job or news of infertility...

    I used to be a very-patient-for-most-things individual (but very intolerant of anything that hurt anyone else).  Now it seems every single little thing makes me angry...  Recently I've heard people complain because of illegible handwriting...and get this... a client complained because he has to PAY for something or other for his grown-up kid.  (Hello buddy!  I wish!!!)  Among those trivial comments are more significant instigators,  like a letter from Mount Sinai Hospital asking for donations (it's funny because just before going for the MRI, I told M that after Adelle was born we were going to start donating to Mount Sinai to help them continue to save babies. I know they still do, they are great and I appreciate every expert who helped us... but still MY baby wasn't saved and now I get this letter with good news stories and a request for money. Ouch!)

    The kicker is, I HATE feeling this way!  My brain says "stop!" but my heart doesn't know how or vis versa.  I don't recognize myself anymore...  I'm tired of feeling angry, negative and bitter over such trivial and non-trivial things.  I'm tired of reading into people's words and adding my own spice (my thoughts are usually peppered with jealousy and you guessed it anger)... 

    I hope this will pass... because of the whole grieving process.... this is by far the worst.  I don't want Adelle's memory to be associated with bitterness.  I love her so much, that's the emotion I want to feel.
    Tuesday, April 6, 2010

    5-Month Angelversary

    Today is Adelle's 5-month Angelversary.  "Angelversary" is a new word in my vocabulary.  It means the day your baby grew her wings.  A year ago I didn't think I was going to be celebrating an Angelversary... and 5 months ago I couldn't foresee how I was going to spend today (mostly because it's hard enough to live one day at a time)...

    I must say that as far as Angelversaries go, this was a good one (Of course, what do I know?  This is one of the first of many, many Angelversaries).  Sara and I distributed flyers for Angel Mommies Support Group.  We're convinced that someone (or maybe two someones) were looking out for us...  As we entered the Obstetricians' offices, NICU and funerals homes it was sometimes hard to hold it together but we found strenght to do what we felt was right.  Luckily we were greeted, for the most part, by people who were open and gave us positive feedback. 

    Today I feel that I was exactly where I was meant to be... however distraught this made me feel.  (If you ask me tomorrow, I might tell you something different).  This doesn't take away the pain, it doesn't make me accept the situation, it just means that I feel that I was doing something positive and that Adelle's short life might give a purpose to mine afterall, even if she grew her wings too soon.
    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    An "Ok" Day

    Today was an "ok" day.

    It's not a day without tears.  Actually, songs like the Wavin' Flag by Young Artists for Haiti (because Adelle will never "get older") always bring tears to my eyes. And of course, they play these on the dance music station on my way to work,  so now it's obvious why I can't stand to listen to EZ-Rock! 

    However, things like a big dose of Vitamin D, the sun and a bouquet of flowers from M (just because), help me feel a little bit more normal.  Not to mention that I feel better after reading the info sent by PBSO describing signs of grief (apparently I have them all except blurred vision and anorexia).  Ha!  So, actually, I am normal (relief!).  Also being able to focus on our new support group (Angel Mommies Support Group) is very helpful. 

    So, I will put on my mascara again tomorrow morning, hope it doesn't smear (again) on the drive to work and face the day head on...  We'll see what it throws back at me.
    Friday, March 26, 2010

    (Another) Bad Day

    What can I say?  It's just (another) bad day...
    I looked at Adelle's picture for the first time since November.  I probably shouldn't have done that before going to work....  It brought me right back to November 6th.  The wound reopened and is bleeding freely again.

    So, I finally had a meltdown and came home.  Fortunately, I was sent a special Angel Mommy, she called me and talked to me for over an hour.  It was so nice in my time of deepest sorrow (of today anyways) to be able to talk freely about Adelle to someone who understood completely (her story is so similar to mine).  And now I look forward to meeting later with Sara and to sharing with her too. 

    After all, we are moms, as I was reminded today, and moms love to talk about their kids...
    Monday, March 22, 2010

    Stop the World I Want to Get Off

    When I was little, I remember hearing: "Stop the World I want to get off!"  I used to think it was quite funny... Imagine!  Why would anyone want to stop the World AND get off of it?  Sadly, I am in total agreement now. 

    I am tired of constantly feeling sad.  Believe me, I am trying really really hard not to feel this way but it seems the rest of the World is two steps ahead of me and I can't keep up.  I just feel like crying all the time. 

    When the cashier at the grocery store today looked at my belly and said "So what happened to the little baby that was in there?"  I wished so badly to say: "She's at home with her daddy." But instead I had to say: "She passed away...."  I am so tired of saying that.  Why couldn't things be different? 

     I miss my little Adelle more and more each day and I hurt more and more each day.  I'm baffled by this, as the day we learned that she was gone, my heart quite litteraly broke and I never felt more pain.

    You'll have to excuse me now as I go Google the way to stop this huge marble...

    About Me

    My photo
    On November 6th, 2009, I gave birth to our angel Adelle at 34 weeks. She had already grown her wings... I am going through a difficult time and am learning a lot about myself and what it means to be the mommy of an Angel. I hope that by sharing my experiences, other angels' moms will find some comfort in knowing they are not alone. I am married to the most wonderful man on Earth. I am blessed with the most precious family and friends. My heart will always be full of love for my Angel Baby Adelle.

    Baby Adelle

    On the wings of an angel, she gently touched down. Here for a moment, then heavenly bound, where the sweet Father welcomed her home and the wings of an angel became her own.

    In memory of our precious baby girl

    -November 6th, 2009


